Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Owen's Two Month Check-up

Tuesday.  From now on, Tuesdays are reserved for Dr appointments, now that I will be returning to work.  OH, Work!  Owen is doing a lot better, and has become such a joy.  I am NOT looking forward to this new transition.  I am forced to instill my trust into several caregivers, but it will be good for all of us :-)  M, W, F, Owen will be going to a woman whom I have never met before I basically knew that she was my only choice.  In this small town, there are not many openings, and then the ones who were available are bullied by this woman who may have an opening, and they do not want to take the business away from her.  So, my neighbors HIGHLY recommended this woman who lives right behind my work.  To quote my one neighbor "she doesn't give a (bleep) about bullies."

Well, I met her, and I LOVED HER!!!!!!!!  So M, W, F Owen will be going to her home during the day.  I am not working on Tuesdays, so that will be our special day (and days of Dr appointments).  I don't have to go in until 1:30 on Thursdays, so Dave's mom and my mom are alternating Thursdays between 1:30 and 4:30 (when Dave gets home)  then Dave will have him for the rest of the evening.  I work every other weekend, and Dave will watch Owen (unless he gets his mom to watch him while on those days and evenings.

As you can see, Owen will be exposed to many different types of relationships.  I know he will thrive, but I also know I will hurt.  It is good for me too because my life has only been about taking care of a child for the past 10 weeks.  My!  How far we've come!!!!!

Well, back to his appointment (sorry for my usual off track mind!).  Owen weighed 14lbs 11ozs (8.5 at birth).....putting him in the 93rd percentile.  His head (this one's for you, Sara!) was 41 inches, placing him in the 67th percentile.  He measured 24 1/2 inches long (20 inches at birth)....89th percentile.

I am VERY pleased with his progress!!!!!!  His Dr was excited about his head control.  Owen is reportedly controlling his head like a 4 month old.  YAY!!!!  That's my boy!!!!!  His Dr also said that she saw a huge progress with his head shape!  I think that it was our early intervention and constant work that has gotten his head almost perfectly round :-)

Owen's Dr said that he should meet with a baby photographer.  I tend to agree, but my opinion is a little bias!  He filled the first half of his appointment with giggles and smiles for his Dr.  It was so fun!

The second half....not so much!  His shots :-(  He was a champ!  The nurse was really quick.  He screamed, I scooped him up, and comforted him.  Once I let my grip go the slightest (to get him dressed), he screamed again!  He wanted his mom....and never to let him go....awwww!!  So I nursed him, and he fell asleep, and was perfect after that!  What a good boy!  We are so proud of him!!!!!!!!!!

So Monday is the dreadful day back to work.  It will be so busy that hopefully I'll forget all about my worries!

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