Sunday, April 18, 2010

19 weeks

We hit 19 weeks today.  We are greatly anticipating the arrival!  These months seem to have been DRAGGING by!  Here is a picture of our little one at 19 weeks.  Next week we are due to have our 20 week ultrasound with the hopes of finding out the gender.  My vote is a girl, Dave's vote is a boy......he just says that because everyone else says girl.  We'll see! (Hopefully)

So far our baby focus is getting a vehicle which will tow a boat as well as keep our child save.  Dave has high expectations, so the search has been stressful!  We want nothing but the best for a great price so that we can spend the money on other things like furniture.

Our other focus is on the childcare situation.  This is my picky part.  I find everything wrong with every situation without interviewing the provider.  I just pray that everything will work out.

Now, the books tell us that we should be focusing on child birthing classes and things such as that.  Oh boy!  We'll have to take it one day at a time.  I've been watching nursing videos and I have registered (which we will be adding to).  Once again, I am sure it will all fall into place.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The baby kicked!??!!

We were driving home from seaching for a new vehicle to replace Dave's truck.  I felt a poke in the very lower part of my tummy.  Then another.  I said to Dave, "I think I felt the baby kick."  Then I for sure felt a stronger, longer lasting poke.  I said loudly, "that was it!  I know that was the baby!!"  Dave was all smiles from ear to ear, and he said, "that's so cool!" 

We can't wait until Dave gets to feel our baby saying hello!  This made my day!