Tuesday, July 27, 2010

OH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our Dr appointment today.  Our ultrasound!!!  YAY!! 

Right now, Owen is weighing 6.4lbs.  That explains a lot!!  LOL!  I have for sure been feeling big!  His head is down, and his belly is up toward my belly.  If he stays is this position (which he has plenty of time to change) I will experience 100% of back labor.  His bones will be scraping against my spine.  Sometimes I wonder if education is a good thing...lol!

I am laughing about the whole thing!  I know God wouldn't give me something I can't handle.  I am so glad that he is growing at such a great rate!  Keep going, Owen!!!!

Right now he predicted to be over 9lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keep growing!  We want you healthy......*kisses*

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That's our boy!!!!

Owen.  Mr. Owen!  You are measuring 2 weeks ahead of time.  You are 32 weeks, and you have been measured at 34 weeks.  What do you have in store for us?  Are you as excited to meet us as we are to meet you?  Next week's ultra sound will show us how big you really are.

Now, Mr. Owen!  Not only are you showing to be a big boy, you have hurt your mommy.  I woke up today with stabbing pains near my belly button.  Congratulations!  You have pulled mommy's stomach muscle.  I have to be careful and make sure it doesn't turn to something else.  I think you think it is funny, because you seem to move and kick in that area.  Please note:  it does not tickle!

I love you anyway :-)  do what you need to to be healthy.

We are waiting for your furniture to arrive, and I just bought your changing table.  Nothing special, just enough to get the job done.  It should last us for your little brother or sister as well.

Well, Owen, we'll see you next week.  And until then, keep healthy and do what you need to.  Your mommy will deal with what you give her.  We love you <3 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Productive Day!

Oh the weather outside was frightful, but the company was so delightful! 

We dodged the clouds and vetoed the boat today.  Instead, we went furniture shopping for Owen.  We found this great deal on craigslist for his crib (which was a gift from my parents....thank goodness.)  We were so excited to have the crib, and now we were just looking for the dresser and chest to match.  A changing table would be a bonus, but doable if we didn't get one. 

Sounds easy, right?!?  SO WRONG!  Trying to match the wood was one thing.  Trying to find quality was another.  What an exhausting ordeal!  UGH!  We have been searching all around the town for several weeks, and our options were down to Raymour and Flanigan, Mooradians and Babies R Us.  We were not too thrilled with Babies R Us, but we had coupons (gotta love those coupons) and gift cards to limit the out-of pocket expenses.  Well, Raymour and Flanigan was not surprisingly a disappointment.  But Mooradians on the other hand, delivered. 

We found two child's sets that we loved, but we couldn't agree with certain things.  The quality was there, so I think that we would have been happy with whatever.  Being the prepared father that Dave is, had a piece of the crib in his truck to compare the color of wood.  It was not a perfect match.  I was going to settle, but the salesman thought he had an adult set that he thought we would be happier with.  He was right!!!!!!

We bought what we were looking for!  YAY!!!  It will be here in 2 weeks,  PHEW!

Then off to Babies R Us with our gift cards.  Shopping is so much more fun when it doesn't hurt.....LOL!

We were going to use our 20% off coupon and the gift cards to buy our glider and ottoman.  We must have high expectations, because once again, we were not happy.  BUT, we bought our video monitor which was a special treat! 

After a nice lunch and a little snooze in the truck....lol,  we made several stops to search for our stroller.  This stroller drama has been going on forever!  I have gotten much help and guidance with choosing the perfect stroller.  We have been "humming and hawing" over the benefits and the cons of the two that we narrowed it down to.  To my surprise, Dave was totally into helping figure it out.

Of course, there are no places in this area that sells the Peg Perego that I was really wanting to buy.  With all of the research that we did, Dave and I decided to go with the Peg Perego.  It just made sense to us.  Of course, nothing's easy.  This is a stroller that we were not able to test drive, but I have gone with the opinions from my sister and sister-in-law about what they have noticed.  So this is our risk-taking.  We're going to do it.  I'm ready with my gift card to order it, and UGH!  My 20% coupon is "in store only."  But they don't have it in store.  Now what!?!?  Can't hurt to ask.  Well, in a round-about-way, I am getting 20% off of our Peg Perego Kiwi Vela stroller!!  YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!  This was a gift form Dave's parents and sisters.  LOVE IT!!!!

Phew!  Busy day!!  We got lots done!  I am waiting for another coupon to come in the mail (I know, I'm sad like that) and we'll get the changing table and our carseat base.  As for the glider and ottoman, we will leave that up to the craigslist Gods.

Owen!  You lucky kid!  We are almost all ready for you!!!!!!!!