Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween / 6-7week pictures

When I was pregnant, I bought Owen a costume at the Carter's outlet.  So glad I did!  I remember buying a 3 month size, and my mom saying, "he'll be swimming in it!"  Well, Halloween came about, I thought, "Gee, I hope he'll fit in it!" 

He did!  Owen's costume fit perfectly (a week before Halloween)!  We went to the firehouse's (the one that my dad is a member of) Halloween party. What a great way to show off his costume!  We had so much fun!  There were kids of all ages, and of all costumes.  They had a Hunted House for all ages, and games, too!  We went trick-or-treating there, too!  We walked down the halls of the firehouse.  There were members in the doorways of the offices in their office chairs, handing out candy :-)  What a great idea!!!  We had a blast!  Nonna, Grandpa Paul, Aunt Jess, Uncle Frank (and kids), Aunt Amanda and Uncle Bryan (with kids) were there...what a great family event!  So laid back, and so much fun!!!  I am taking notes for our other family events....LOL!  Here are some pictures of our Halloween event....some from home, and some from the firehouse :-)

Our little Penguin :-) (6 weeks)

Owen at his cutest, yet <3 (6 weeks)

Frankie and Anthony (Jessica and Frank's (Owen's cousins)) were Thomas The Train Sr and Jr..LOL

Aunt Amanda and Uncle Bryan (with Bryan Paul, Madyson and Jamyson) dressed as a Peter Pan theme.  This was Bryan Paul's (Peter Pan) idea.  Bryan (my brother) was Captain Hook, Amanda (My SIL) was Wendy, Bryan Paul was Peter Pan, Mady was Tinker Bell and Jamyson was the crocodile.  The dictation of everyone's roles' were said by Bryan Paul....what an organized, smart boy!!!

Every time we get the "triplets" together, we HAVE to take pictures!  Here they are in their costumes sleeping in there matching (sort-of) strollers/carseats (6 weeks old)

 Above is Owen's first time in the Bumbo. I know that there are some who are contraversal about this, but we think it helps with his head formation and neck function.  It actually has been recommended by Physical Therapists in the area for that exact reason. (6 weeks old)

Below is a picture of Grandma (Dave's mom...who gave him these ultra comfy lined overalls) holding Owen.  I have learned that grandparents mean the world to grandchildren, and I have vowed to assure that Owen (and any new Weiss's) know and love their grandparents.  I have neglected to have the camera on hand for Nonna's (My mom) apologies....but Owen will know both well, because they both will be alternating babysitting on Thursdays form 12:30 - 4:30 while I am at work. And we are soooooo greatfull!!!  (6 weeks old)
 Below is a picture of Michelle holding Owen.  Michelle is Andrew's (my cousin) fiance.  She volunteered to babysit.  I had to keep reminding her that Owen was having a good day :-)  Here he is in his night-time gear.  He sleeps in a sippered onesie (thanks to Nonna for all the extras) and a sleep sack (with an undershirt onesie)....sooo comfy!!!
(6 weeks old)
 Another picture of Owen is below.  I know he hates the Bumbo right now, but, boy!!!  He looks cute in it!!!!!! (6 weeks old)
 Can you believe that Owen is here watching Nascar with Dave!?!?  It was soooo cute!  We say that Owen is "just chillin"
 Now here Owen is.  Ultra Special!!!  He is on his very heavy, very warm blanket made by Aunt Sara (Dave's sister) and in the outfit that Aunt Jess (my sister) gave Owen.  He was so cute, and sooo comfy!!!  YAY! (7 weeks)

So there you go!  Owen!  I cannot wait until his Dr appointment to see where our late-night feedings have gotten us!  PS....he is in 6 moth clothes now...Ahhh!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Owen found his thumb!

Well, Owen found his thumb :-)  I am happy about this.  His thumb will not wake him up in the middle of the night and I have to out it back in (like a pacifier).  I have a friend that said she did not want her girl to find her fingers/thumb because it's a hard habit to break.  Any habit is hard to break.  I am looking forward to having this be a constant, and hopefully leading to a full night's sleep :-).  Here is a picture of his new found friend :-)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Owen's smile

Owen has granted us with a smile!  His smiles have been random, but Daddy has figured out how to get a smile on demand.  For those of you who only read the email, you cannot view the video.  Go to the blog, to view the video.  It's soooo cute!!!

Here is the best smile ever that he has given us!!

And here is another picture that is awesome!  We were ready to go out grocery shopping.  This is a hat that Aunt Sara (Dave's sister) made for us.  We get compliments every time we go out.  Dave's mom witnessed those compliments when we went to the Dr :-) He is also in the outfit that Aunt Jess (my sister) got all of the "triplets" for our photo-op.  We are lucky to have a great family!!!

I love him more and more, and the days are getting easier.  I am slowly not wanting to go back to work, where as a few days ago, I was begging to get back to that's a good sign!

Friday, October 15, 2010

1 month appointment

WOW!!!!  Owen had his 1 month appointment!  YAY!!  I love these.  It gives me a fresh inspiration that our late night feedings and stressful fussy times are doing something! 

Owen measured 24 inches (20 inches at birth)......97th percentile
He weighed 11.10lbs (8.5 at birth)......83rd percentile
His head measured 38.5.....54th percentile (I am debating that one....his head is huge!)

We have been concerned about Owen's head.  You have read that we are in love with his magical bouncy seat.  Well, Owen is in love with it too much.  His Dr warned us about the over-use, and I thought that we were fine because this bouncy seat is deep, and not like other ones.  Well, Dave pointed out that his right side is favored, and was a little flat.  His left side, which is not favored, was developing a bump, suggesting that his plates were shifting.

Our Dr agreed that she saw an issue.  She gave us some exercises to do with him at home, and if he does not improve, he will have to go to physical therapy.  Well, we were already doing some of those things (just from common sense) and he went from never using his left side to not hating it.  I am sure that with some more concentration, we will be perfect!

We are proud of our big boy :-)  Hopefully this means that he'll be sleeping more soundly.

Oh, sleep!  This boy has established a routine......not really!  Once I figured it out, it's not.  I fear every night I will be up late with him, but then it is never as bad as I thought it would be.  I am never happy.  If he's sleeping all day, I am worried he won't sleep.  If he is fussy all day, I am worried that he will carry those issues into the night.  Ho-hum!

Owen loves his daddy!  And so do I!!!  He is my savior!  I don't ask him to, but when he gets home, he takes Owen and battles with him during his fussy period.  God Bless Him!  He has gotten really good at knowing his son and calming him down.  I can't wait to hear about the juicy details of their father-son bonding talks when he is older!  Here are some pictures of Dave and Owen doing their thing!

Owen and I went to Grandma and Grandpa Weiss for the day today.  I asked to see his baby pictures.  Well, I am glad that I was there for the birth, because Owen is ALL DAVE!  His nose, eyes, mouth and cheeks.  Oh, wait!  He has my forehead.  Well, like I least I know he's mine :-)

One day at a time with this little guy.  For now, stay tuned!!!!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

4 weeks old

Tomorrow Owen is four weeks old.  One month.  Ahhhh!  Time has flown!  It is scary to think about where we were one month ago.  It is scary to look back on the journey and see what kind of an adjustment we had to go through.  It is refreshing to have Dave remind me that there should not be a repeat to those days on the nights that Owen is a little difficult, and then the night ends up just fine.

I think in the last month, we have found out what Owen's likes and dislikes are, and we have adjusted to those.  He still is very time consuming, but those times are a lot more tolerable.  Looking back on it all, I have no idea how I went several days without any sleep.  Phew! 

Anywho, today we had a visit from Aunt Jaime, Nathan and Abby.  This was a great reason to take updated pictures.   It's sometimes hard to remember to grab the camera on those day to day functions.

This is my Goddaughter, Abigail holding Owen

Owen was holding his pacifier in his own mouth.  Does he really know what he was doing?

Aunt Jaime, holding Owen

All in all, we are still taking it one day at a time, and loving all of the support that we have!

Nonna's house

Nonna is Italian for Grandma.  This is what all of the grandkids call my mom.  It's a magical place.   All kids have a better day after being with Nonna.  Owen included.  He slept when we were there, was awake and in a good mood for pictures, went back to sleep when we went home, and went to bed early with a decent night to follow.

Yesterday, all six grandkids were at Nonna's house.  Of course, we had to have a photo shoot of the triplets.  The day was a lot less crazy than I thought it was going to be. 

Here is Jamyson on the left (Amanda and Bryan's (my brother) son), Anthony in the middle (Jessica (my sister) and Frank's son) and Owen on the right.

From left to right is Owen, Anthony and Jamyson

Owen is in front, Jamyson is on the left with his feet near Owen's head, and Anthony is on the right with his head on Owen's thigh.

We had a lot of fun taking these pictures, and I hope we will do it again and again :-)