Monday, February 21, 2011

Update (O

I KNOW!  I KNOW!!!  It's been a looooong while.  So much to do, so little time.  Let's see if we can update warp speed.


Owen, Anthony and Jamyson had their Baptism together.  It was so much fun!  When I got pregnant, I was excited for our moment to finally shine.  I thought we would be overshadowed when we found out that my sister and sister-in-law were pregnant too.  I was sooooo wrong!  I love sharing the significance of the event.  Once in a lifetime.  This opportunity will probably never happen again.

We had a gorgeous ceremony at Blessed Sacrament Church.  We love Fr. Bradley.  He is so understanding and sincere.  Owen was very blessed for many reasons that day.  He had two Godmothers!!  Aunt Jessica (my sister) and Aunt Laura (Dave's sister) were his guidance through his spiritual journey.  That in itself was a process.  Dave is very man, one woman (preferably married to each other.)  My mom broke the mold with me ;-)  I have two Godmothers too!  I thought it was perfect!  Dave agreed.  You can't deny who's perfect for the job!

Here is a great shot with Owen and his Godmothers:

Another special addition to the day was that Owen's Baptism outfit was made out of my wedding dress <3 (heart).  I hope we have a girl next, because there are only sparkly pieces left of my dress, and that would look weird if we have another boy.  Ehh...we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.  Maybe boy Weiss two will get a brand spankin' new outfit.

Here is Owen in his Baptism outfit:

Just some more fun pictures.....'cause I love pictures:

Here I am with my Godmothers: what started the whole thing:  (My dad's sister, Aunt Tricia....on your right and my Mom's best friend, Aunt Peggy....on your left)  Owen's in the

Owen told me that he loved me...."sorta":

Onto our professional pics.....Owen turned 4months.  I'd love to show you the pictures....they came out AWESOME!  BUT....copyright issues make it an issue. Hopefully you can find them all on this site (and order some if you want them)....if you need a password, it's 6414  remember:  the password is 6414

5 months.....Owen turned over...but refuses to do it for me :-(  today (2/22) he went from tummy to back to tummy to back to tummy.  Our big boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course he did this at Aime's, but refuses to show Mommy and Daddy.... I have yet to see him do tummy to back (I guess back to tummy is harder...I saw him get over about 95%).  I really don't care...surprisingly....I am just happy he's doing it.

Owen's first solids...Daddy fed him....he loves daddy soooooo much! 

OK.....flashbacking, kinda to 4 months....Owen's first cereal feed...Loved it!!!!!!

 YAY!  Owen!  Rice is yummy...but Oatmeal is better!

 Owen's talking to his friend, Scout. Scout says Owen's name with his favorite food, animal and it!

Owen turned back to tummy...finally a first to us!

Just a cute shot of Owen at 4 months.....zzzzzzzzzz!!!

A few days latter...he got a Jeep...nahh...not a real one!!!!!!!  A walker, silly!  Here he is!  He likes Amie's....starting to wonder if it's us...j/k!  He goes across the room in it....backwards....(at Amie's!)

A few days latter...he got a Jeep...nahh...not a real one!!!!!!!  A walker, silly!  Here he is!  He likes Amie's....starting to wonder if it's us...j/k!  He goes across the room in it....backwards....(at Amie's)!